Food Policy Council (FPC) Meeting Mon, Apr 19 2021 1:30 PM

Meeting Information

Monday, April 19, 2021

6:30pm to 8:30pm

1006 New Hampshire, Lawrence

Or click to join via Zoom

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval
    • Approval of March 15 meeting minutes  
    • Budget overview: $5,359.43 balance for 2021
      1. Consider funding member registration for the Kansas Rural Center Local Food Connections Virtual Conference. May 7th, 8:45am-2:30pm. Cost: $15/person.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Leadership Opportunities
    • No-cost registrations available for Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program
    • Opportunity to nominate a DCFPC member to a new advisory board for the statewide network of Kansas food and farm councils (Kansas Alliance for Wellness)
  4. Food System Update to County and City Commission
    • Presentation to County Commission tentatively scheduled for June 23rd
    • Working Groups: Provide highlights of accomplishments, partnerships, priorities, and/or work that needs support after your May meetings
  5. 2021 Meetings and Work Plan
    • Resuming in person meetings
    • Potential learning or engagement opportunities to incorporate, for example:
      1. Twenty minute presentation from a community partner at every other meeting.
      2. Have each working group present to the Council twice a year so everyone is up to date on the full scope of work.
      3. Hold a quarterly or bi-annual non-business meeting that is more comfortable and conducive to public engagement.
      4. Other ideas?
    • Timeline exercise
      1. Full Council efforts 
        1. Presentation to County Commission – June.
        2. Possible engagement around City Commission election.
        3. Possible statewide presentation by FPCs to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - late Jan or Feb.
      2. Map Working Group initiatives
      3. Review of meeting and initiative calendar
  6. Member Updates
  7. Adjourn

Next Meeting: May 17, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire

Present: Tamara Cash, Dietrich Earnhart, Melissa Freiburger, Cody Haynes, Elizabeth Keever, Jamie Knabe, Tyler Lindquist, Laura McCulloch, Christina Ostmeyer, Scott Thellman

Absent: Marlin Bates, Sarah Chenoweth, Ashley Hornberger, Heather McPeek, Rolf Petermann

Staff: Kim Criner Ritchie

  1. Administrative Items  
    • Determine quorum of members, agenda approval 
      1. Motion to approve by Elizabeth, second by Jamie. Motion passes.
    • Approval of March 15 meeting minutes  
      1. Motion to approve by Christina, second by Elizabeth. Motion passes.
    • Budget overview: $5,359.43 balance for 2021
      1. Consider funding member registration for the Kansas Rural Center Local Food Connections Virtual Conference. May 7th, 8:45am-2:30pm. Cost: $15/person.
      2. Motion by Elizabeth to approve 4 registrations at $60, second by Cody. Motion passes.
  2. Public Comment
  3. Leadership Opportunities
    • No-cost registrations available for Kansas Leadership Center “Your Leadership Edge” program
      1. Five spots designated for the FPC. Council members contact Kim for the registration code if interested.
    • Opportunity to nominate a DCFPC member to a new advisory board for the statewide network of Kansas food and farm councils (Kansas Alliance for Wellness)
      1. There are no nominees at this time.
  4. Food System Update to County and City Commission
    • Presentation to County Commission tentatively scheduled for June 23rd
    • Working Groups: Provide highlights of accomplishments, partnerships, priorities, and/or work that needs support after your May meetings
  5. 2021 Meetings and Work Plan
    • Resuming in person meetings
      1. Maintain a Zoom option.
      2. Summer offers possibility of outdoor meetings while still offering a remote option. 
        1. Scott, Jamie, Cody all offered to host outdoor meetings/tours.
      3. Sustainability will investigate investment in a hotspot.
      4. Revisit regular meeting location for longer term planning.
    • Potential learning or engagement opportunities to incorporate, for example:
      1. Twenty minute presentation from a community partner at every other meeting.
      2. Have each working group present to the Council twice a year so everyone is up to date on the full scope of work.
      3. Hold a quarterly or bi-annual non-business meeting that is more comfortable and conducive to public engagement.
        1. Community garden as possible location.
      4. Other ideas?
        1. Return to equity training and keep front and center.
        2. Talk about discrimination, bias, and food system intersections. Tamara will share resources.
    • Timeline exercise
      1. Full Council efforts 
        1. Presentation to County Commission – June.
        2. Possible engagement around City Commission election.
          1. Elizabeth suggested organizing a candidate forum on food system opportunities and issues – possibly September.
            1. Engage other food system partners as well.
            2. Hold public, non-business meeting beforehand to gather community input and questions for the forum – possibly August.
        3. Possible statewide presentation by FPCs to the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources - late Jan or Feb.
      2. Map Working Group initiatives
      3. Review of meeting and initiative calendar
  6. Member Updates
  7. Adjourn
    • Motion to adjourn by Elizabeth, second by Tamara. Motion passes.

Next Meeting: May 17, 2021, 6:30pm to 8:30pm | Location: Zoom and 1006 New Hampshire


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