Criminal Justice Coordinating Council (CJCC) Meeting on Tue, March 12, 2019 - 11:00 AM

Meeting Information


March 12th, 2019

11:00am – 12:30pm

Meeting at Douglas County Fairgrounds, Flory Building

1. Welcome and introductions – Pam Weigand

2. Bylaw changes – Commissioner Derusseau

3. CJCC Chair Selection – Pam Weigand

4. Review and approve CJCC meeting minutes from 11-13-18 and 01-08-19

5. Criminal Justice Services 2018 report – Pam Weigand

6. LE Contact Study update – Robert Bieniecki

7. Stepping Up Initiative CSG Technical Assistance – Rise Haneberg, Council of State Governments

8. New business/discussion

9. Public comment (as time permits)

2019 meetings

March 12th


June 11th

September 17th

November 19th


Criminal Justice Coordinating Council Tuesday, March 12, 2019

11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

Those in attendance included: Judge Peggy Kittel, Judge Scott Miller, Ken McGovern, Mike Patrick, Wes Lovett, Greg Burns, Pam Weigand, Patrick Schmitz, Michelle Derusseau, Jennifer Ananda, Sarah Plinsky, Shaye L. Downing, Emily Hail, Edith Guffey, and Anthony Sanchez; and Robert Bieniecki, CJCC Coordinator.



Robert Bieniecki presented the revised bylaws as approved by the Douglas County Commission on 02/27/19. A summary of the bylaw changes included: removing the goals and inserting a statement to create a strategic plan, membership changes, implementing term limits, eliminating the Vice-Chair position, and inserting a statement that the Board of County Commissioners must approve all changes to the bylaws.

Judge Kittel asked if the bylaws allow for her to appoint a designee in her place when she cannot attend the meetings. Bieniecki responded that bylaws only limit subs for appointed positions on the council. Judge Kittel is welcome to appoint someone to attend in her place.


Shaye Downing moved to nominate Pam Weigand to continue as Chair for the CJCC (after the passing of the new bylaws). Motion was seconded by Judge Kittel.


Jennifer Ananda moved to approve the CJCC minutes from 11/13/18. Motion was seconded by Patrick Schmitz and carried with Shaye Downing abstaining from the vote.

Downing moved to approve the CJCC minutes from 01/08/19. Motion was seconded by Patrick Schmitz and carried.


Weigand conducted a presentation to the Council on the 2018 Department Report. Findings included:

Regarding Juvenile Detention Statistics compared to 2017:

  •  127 were detained in 2018; a 7% decline
  •  119 were Douglas County admits; a 6% decline
  •  Females in detention decreased by 27%; African Americans decreased by 7% and whites decreased by 21%.
  •  Average Daily Population (ADP) decreased by 82%; minority ADP increased by 19%;
  •  Average Length of Stay (ALOS) decreased by 36.5%, minority ALOS increased by 22%;
  •  2017-2018, 55 total students participated in the Day School; all were on honors unit but one; 13 successfully graduated.

Adult Services Overview 2018:

  •  Total Unique Clients: 519; Average Length of Supervision: 249.67 Day; Carryovers in 2018: 310
  •  Average Daily Population: 335.01; New clients: 223; Clients Closed: 155
  •  Community Service Work (CSW): Referrals for Municipal Court: 761 (66%); District Court: 398 (34%)
  •  Agencies with most CSW hours: Just Food, Habitat Restore and Social Service League;
  •  Pretrial Overview: 360 reports submitted: 184 accepted at First Appearance (51%); 234 were Felony cases; 184 were misdemeanor cases; 72% were male/28% female; 72% were white/22% African American/6% Native American;
  •  Pretrial Electronic Monitoring: 192 clients; 51% No Electronic monitoring/49% Electronic monitoring;
  •  House Arrest: 65% Municipal Court/35% District Court;68% for Felonies/31% Misdemeanors; 71% male/29% female; 70% white/21% African American/8% Native American;
  •  Behavioral Health Court (BHC): 33 Clients/11 Carry Overs; 22 New Clients, 14 Closed Clients; 36% Successful/43% Returned to Criminal Docket/14% Opted out/7% Transfer to NFR;
  •  BHC: 45% female/55% male; 70% white/18% African American/12% Native American;


Representatives from Northeastern University will be in town March 25 to meet with the Police Chiefs and the CJCC study subcommittee to discuss consensus on base data. The City of Lawrence has asked that we talk to the Lawrence Police Citizens Review Board. Bieniecki is trying to get a KU contact for student groups who would like to learn more about the study.

STEPPING UP INITIATIVE CSG TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE – Rise Haneberg, Council of State Governments presented.

Bieniecki stated in place of a May 14 CJCC meeting, we will have a Day of Action on that day instead. There will be guests from national organizations to talk about the success of our programs. The Stepping Up work group met March 11.

  • The Stepping Up Initiative launched in May 2015. So far 479 counties have passed a resolution for the same efforts. Most counties are doing more webinars/online work. Douglas County is the baseline, working and making progress. We have done a comprehensive process analysis, established policy practice, funding and are tracking progress
  • We are working on the four key strategies: to reduce the number of people booked into jail; shorten length of stays in jails for SMI and SUD; increase the % of people connected to treatment; reduce rates of recidivism
  • Discussed data pulled to analyze for initial data review. The top charge for people booked into jail with SMI is failure to appear. The top charge with no flag is also failure to appear.
  • The Average Length of Stay (ALOS) for bookings for people with an SMI flag was 17 days longer than those with a SMI or MH flag. Douglas County length of stay is less than most other places
  • The ALOS for people with a MH flag was 6 days, a reduction
  • The ALOS for people with the SMI flag is more than twice the ALOS of people with no flag. Forty-eight percent of people with SMI returned to Douglas County jail within 6 months of release. Engaging in services when released is crucial
  • We are looking at reducing recidivism through improving probation practices. We are looking at risk levels, violations and responses
  • Preliminary Recommendations include 1) supporting law enforcement to improve responses to people with mental illness, develop opportunities to divert people who have mental health needs to treatment, when appropriate; 2) Ensuring that everyone at pretrial release received a validated pretrial risk assessment and those with severe mental illness are connected to treatment services upon their release; 3) use the results of the screenings to make informed decisions about the needs for further clinical assessment; 4) increase the County’s ability to connect people who have severe mental health illnesses to community based treatment upon release; 5) enhance capacity to provide community based behavioral health care to people released from jail with SMI; 6: develop a plan to increase successful completion of supervision and minimize supervision revocations for people who have SMI; and 7) trace the implementation of programs along the four key measures (as listed above).
  • In the future, Douglas County will need to learn to do the analysis for themselves
  • Next steps: complete data analyses, finalize recommendations and develop prioritized action
  • Celebrate May 14 Douglas County Day of Action
  • Use every opportunity to not put someone into the Criminal Justice System. Consider services over taking to jail
  • Other suggestions: Build a relationship with DCCCA and Heartland RADAC and how those calls are handled; building a campus and determine how decisions are made.


There was discussion on failure to appear. Staff is using “robo” calling but we are not getting good data of addresses and phone numbers when people are being booked in. When released, people fall off the radar. If they won’t come to court, they probably won’t go to probation appointments either. Looking at going to pick people up and take to court, take to appointments. Transportation is consistently a barrier. We need to look beyond just giving bus passes. We need to work with the transportation department. The “no show” is a reoccurring theme across other jurisdictions. There was a suggestion on having a “Living Room” or “Club house” for people to go to for day-to-day assistance.


  • Board of County Commissioners Study Session on Drug Court is scheduled for April 3; and Juvenile Detention Center use on April 24.


Adjourn: Ananda motioned to adjourn; Miller seconded and the motion passed.

Next meeting: June 11, 2019 at the Flory Building, Douglas County Fairgrounds; 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.


Flory Building, Douglas County Fairgrounds
2120 Harper Street, Lawrence, Kansas 66046